About Us

Helping Clients Reach Their Financial Goals

Welcome to the TB Group. We are a local and independent Registered Investment Advisory Firm with the state of Massachusetts. Our primary objective is to help our clients, families and businesses, organize and coordinate their finances to help them reach their financial goals efficiently and effectively.

For years we have helped our clients create financial plans and maintain them appropriately with periodic updates and annual reviews. We assist in helping clients realize their retirement dreams and guide them in constructing a road map to reach their destination in the time and style they desire.

In accordance with our advisory and financial planning services we also provide comprehensive life, disability and and long term care insurance reviews to ensure you are properly protected. Because we are independent, we can offer insurance products from the nation's leading insurance carriers to make sure you are getting the best rates possible.

If you are ready to build your financial future give us a call! Do you have questions and are not sure where to start? It would be our pleasure to schedule a call or meeting to discuss your needs.